Leya's Fight
In June of 2015, I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. This wasn't a
surprise to me. It was a re-occurrence and I had a feeling it had
returned. I was diagnosed at the age of 18 and treated very aggressively
with chemotherapy and within a year was in remission. However in the
months that led up to this recent occurrence, I knew the familiar signs
and symptoms. After many trips to the doctor, running the same tests and
then new tests, I finally just asked for them to check for ovarian
cancer. My doctor being so thorough had already done so and done a
biopsy and had the results. I came home to digest all the information
and contemplate the decisions I was being asked to make regarding
treatment. I wish I could say it was as easy as it had been the first
time, but it was so different, almost agonizing. Now I had a family and
an established life, that meant my decisions didn't just affect me. They
would affect the people around me, worked with me and most of all loved
Two months later, in August, while in the hospital, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Anemia. I was NOT prepared for this! I knew I had to fight, now this was war and I wasn't honestly sure I was ready or even able. I was in the hospital for a week, while they ran numerous tests, gave me my first of a few blood transfusions and loaded me with more medical information than my brain could hold.... I was overwhelmed to say the least. I admit, I cried...no I wept. I felt helpless. I felt like I was robbed of my life and future and it wasn't fair at all. I was just starting to live some of my dreams! I cried myself to sleep. And then I woke up and realized I only had one choice...LIVE.
It has been an incredible journey as a cancer survivor with two cancers in my body. I have learned the true definition of "Fighting Cancer." It's a daily fight. If it were not for my strong faith in God, I would not have been able to make it through all this in peace and with assurance of Hope. This is indeed a fight and He has empowered me for it. It takes so much strength to endure chemotherapy, CT Scans, ultrasounds, MRI, ER Visits, IVs, Constant nausea, multiple surgeries, biopsies, seizures from pain, neuropathy and so much more. My greatest battle has been the emotional and mental fatigue. Its so exhausting to keep going to all the dr visits and treatments; to hear all the diagnosis and prognosis and to fill prescription after prescription. It's draining to see and feel your body change and know its so far from who you were and wonder if you will ever be "normal" again or will you always be a "cancer patient."
has made me a strong a skillful Fighter. I am in the fight of my life
and I am fighting until I WIN. No matter what I feel like and what I am
going through, I just can't allow myself to give up, give out or give
in. I have days where I am incredibly weak, horribly sick and in severe
pain... but regardless I press through. I keep going. I continue to do
all I have to do for my children and family and my church. I am artistic
director of Pee Dee Community Arts Team and I continue to direct and
produce musical stage productions with the youth I love. I have been
able to host and organize my women's expos and community events to work
with amazing people and touch lives and impact my community. I have
learned in this fight, that our lives not for us. We are here to help
others. I am committed to using my life to make a difference in others
lives and encouraging and helping those who need it. This gives me
strength to fight every day and through the struggle... Keep Smiling!